
Taiwan Educational & Cultural Exchange Association (TECEA) was established on May 30, 1992 in Taipei, in order to develop Chinese culture, strengthen the foundation of moral virtues and further advance international cultural exchanges. It seeks to serve society by supplementing its academic culture and in cultivating the common good.
Since its foundation in 1992, we have endeavored to increase our exchanges with both domestic and international organizations in the areas of education, culture, and volunteer work. TECEA has organized Evenings of Conversation with professionals, international conferences, work camps, English summer camps, short courses on home management, children’s activities, spiritual retreats, and excursions & sports activities.
Our vision of education and culture is based on our understanding of the human person. So education for us is not just filling up our brains with information. All of us should discern what is useful for our personal development from whatever we see, read about, hear from lectures, or learn from family and friends. Being educated is not just knowing a lot of information that will grow obsolete with time. It is not just possessing knowledge, but being more of a person. This means having the ability to contemplate whatever we see, read about, hear from lectures, or learn from family and friends.
The activities run by TECEA are inspired by the spirit of Opus Dei (www.opusdei.com), a personal prelature of the Catholic Church founded by St Josemaría Escriva.
St Josemaría has always taught that a Christian should do all honest human work, be it intellectual or manual, with the greatest human perfection (professional competence) and with Christian perfection (for love of God’s will and service to mankind).
The spirit of St Josemaría has inspired thousands of people to make their work serve the spiritual and material good of their fellow-citizens.
It is an inspiration that has spurred us in TECEA to carry out socially oriented activities, which are selected in the light of specific necessities of the particular area where they are to be carried out. Moreover, these activities are open to people of all races and religious beliefs.

St. Josemaría Escrivá